"Luxurious flowers from a bygone era" by Uta Naumann
A gothic dark nostalgic rose pattern by artists of bygone eras, such as Pierre-Joseph Redouté, presents artfully hand-painted roses arranged in a luxurious vintage style. The delicate blooms, carefully rendered in vibrant reds and soft pinks, are the focal point of the pattern and create a romantic flair. The design is complemented by other blooming beauties such as carnations Ipomea and passionflowers, which immerse the pattern in a nostalgic atmosphere of bygone splendor and opulent charm. This artwork celebrates the love of nature and art from other times and invites the viewer to immerse themselves in the romantic elegance and luxury of bygone eras.
Brighten up your dining room with our colorful vinyl placemats from our artists! These one-sided printed placemats are made from durable material and are perfect for adding a pop of color to your table. Measuring 40 x 30 cm, they are just the right size for any tableware. Brighten up your meals with style and practicality!
Material notes:
- 40 x 30 cm.
- approx. 1.6 mm thick.
- Vinyl.
- Clean with a damp cloth, not suitable for the dishwasher.
- Made in Germany.
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